My strengths include being compassionate, humble, and resilient. Nurses spend more bedside time with patients than any other role in healthcare and their willingness to learn and put new knowledge into practice is one of the leading traits of a good nurse. Many nurses who choose the nursing career path prioritize job security, are interested in using it as a starting point for another career, or have a lack of alternative ideas/options. Action-Oriented. Effective nurse management is crucial to hospitals and health systems for team motivation, performance, and job satisfaction. While nurses will have hospital routines throughout their day, they could be called in for an emergency. It was both a humbling and reassuring experience. Nurse Practitioners Have a Multitude of Skills and Attributes. It’s important to note that as veteran nurses leave the healthcare industry and begin retirement, they’re taking with them years of experience and knowledge that cannot be quickly replaced. While it may seem like a given, most people assume that all nurses enter the field because “caring” is one of their leading qualities—but this shouldn’t necessarily be an assumed nursing characteristic. By prioritizing and practicing communication skills, nurses will provide safer care and benefit their patients, their unit, and the entire hospital/health system—not to mention, their long-term career. Examples of nursing strengths Communication. While this skill can be improved over time, it’s often something that comes more naturally to some nurses than others. Choose a few strengths that you have good examples to discuss in more detail than you would on a resume. As a nurse, you can work all over the country. My strengths to become a nurse include: caring personality, emotional strength, physical strength, flexibility, and great communication skills. Having empathy to interact with the patient and their family and helping them to cope with problems is very important in a nursing position. Do you know the three types of learning styles? A mentor can help you to develop critical strengths, such as empathy and communication. Research shows that a nurse’s compassion can actually help lessen a patient's suffering. Empathy must be one of your nursing strengths. Nurse managers must be able to coach and mentor staff at all levels and to work with the varied strengths and weaknesses of the nursing staff on the unit. Setting goals can help you gain both short- and long-term achievements. Read the job description carefully and take an inventory of your related skills and strengths. As nurse leaders, we consistently have to make calls and have conversations that are not necessarily popular. But it also highlights the need to get to grips with your surroundings as quickly as possible. A nurse also needs empathy when interacting with patients. He/she give the same care to clients as he/she would wish for him/herself and loved ones while being conscious of the individual needs of clients. You might have to change your schedule as per the work demands. Everyday and every step of the way we are making decision, one way or another. You can use the cover letter to tell the story of what a great nurse you are. Nursing Strengths That You Must Possess To Make Your Career Prosper In Nursing Time Management Skills. Having a nurse that practices with a strong passion for patient advocacy will ensure they’re always fighting for the very best care for their patients. Caring, compassion, and empathy sometimes are confused as one and the same, but there is an important distinction. Contact author: [email protected]. Soft skills, hard skills, problem-solving skills, communication skills and all-around people skills are just a few of their beneficial baseline qualities of a nurse practitioner. We look at the impact good leadership has on healthcare organizations. When patients are fortunate enough to encounter these characteristics of a good nurse, it makes their care experience that much better. Strength is something that you are good at or highly competent at. Mentorships from nursing leaders can also teach invaluable lessons on how to become a great nurse. But as a nursing quality, caring makes all the difference to patients. Having a strong attention to detail is one of the nurse personality traits that can easily and quickly determine how successful they’ll be in their role. An effective leader has a distinctive set of personal qualities: integrity, courage, initiative and an ability to handle stress. Nurses are undoubtedly under immense pressure as they balance receiving orders from physicians with using their own knowledge skills and critical judgement to provide the highest quality patient care. Patients see nurses as a friendly face and doctors depend on nurses to keep them on their toes. Poll results of nurses on nursing top 3 strengths and weaknesses. In any occupation, it is crucial to keep learning. In times of crisis, leadership is the link that can hold the organization together. Empathy is the ability to really hear and share in a patient’s feelings. patient. Having the ability to understand and share those feelings with the patient and their loved ones is an essential strength for a nurse. Related: Words to Avoid and Include on a Resume. For nurses, it means putting themselves in their patients’ shoes and trying to understand how they perceive what’s going on around them. Some of the strengths that most nurses acquire through their work are attention to detail, patience, good basic sense, multitasking, economy of motion, and the ability to assess quickly and efficiently. Well, that's all I can come up with for now. As the national leader in holistic healthcare assessments, Relias Assessments empowers nursing leaders to leverage assessments to make informed hiring and placement decisions thereby helping them achieve better long-term nurse success, satisfaction, and retention. Also, while nurses often work 12-hour shifts, there may be days when a nurse needs to work overtime. Find out about the types of leadership styles that could help your nurses drive better patient care. You may constantly be called upon to be flexible. Another case may be in test results that show an abnormality. With an estimated 2.86 million RNs in the U.S., it’s helpful to consider these 13 qualities of a good nurse that will help them be successful in navigating and thriving in today’s fast paced and everchanging healthcare landscape. Weaknesses tend to be specific to the individual. Whereas my biggest weakness as a leader is not having the appropriate skills to influence others to see things my way. Integrity They might have to physically lift heavy objects or patients, assist surgeons, assist in delivering babies or other tasks that may take an extended period. In especially stressful times, patients and their family members are appreciative of any efforts (no matter how small) to help bring a bit of cheer. Some of my weaknesses Being prepared will show your current employer and a potential employer that you’re an effective nurse. Here are a few ways to highlight these strengths on a resume or cover letter: A cover letter is a great place to introduce employers to your strengths and how it applies to their open position. A … As a nursing professional, you must be extremely malleable and adaptable to whatever challenges thrown your way. A good nurse leader is someone who can inspire others to work together in pursuit of a common goal, such as enhanced patient care. Empathy and Compassion Another area of strength that is necessary for success in the nursing profession is possessing empathy and compassion for others. Nurses should be flexible. ... nurse tutors, nurse mentors and staff involved in the analysis of what is effective and less effective in clinical systems and procedures, in preparation for a plan of some form (that could be an audit (CQC), assessments, quality checks etc. Nursing strengths are the attributes of a nurse that help them do their jobs effectively. Within one shift, a nurse lifts an average of 1.8 tons (roughly the weight of a hippo) with patient lifting and adjusting. Nurse leaders assist trainees in managing those challenges and other counterproductive influences that can result in emotional exhaustion and poor team collaboration. Nurses should be good problem solvers. You’re on the front lines in a profession where you actually get to do something to make a difference in a person's life. They need to make sure every piece of information is accurate and updated so the physicians and other nurses can treat patients correctly. Being a nurse means long days that will sometimes have little or no breaks. This concept is the foundational core tenet of healthcare from the Hippocratic Oath to nearly every hospital’s mission statement in one phrase or another: keep patients safe, deliver the highest quality of care. As new nurses are entering the workforce, identifying and encouraging specific nursing qualities will help hospitals and health systems recognize strong nursing candidates for hire and understand which current nurses on staff would make great leaders. Strengths with examples are a great way to show a potential employer what a successful nurse you are and how effective you will be for their business. I knew then that this was what I was meant to do.”. Exercise will help train your body and make it easier to get through the day, as will brain training apps and … There will be times when you might want to talk to a more senior staff member about their career and the steps they took to develop their career further. A nurse’s role relies on the ability to effectively communicate with other nurses, physicians, disciplines across other units, patients, and their families. Discover five key strategies to help you move forward with the strength. I’m not wrong when I tell you that managing your time is essential in your professional life,... Communication Skills. While clinical knowledge and training is taught throughout a nurse’s education, on the job training is the most effective way to help shape a nurse’s problem solving skills. For a nurse, constant learning means you’re up-to-date with the latest technologies, procedures and treatments. You can improve a lot of your strengths by being open and flexible to continuous education. I talked with her about it, listened to her concerns and by the end of the conversation, she said she felt empowered to fight this. Get Help With Your Nursing Essay. Strong communication skills are critical characteristics of a nurse. 1. For example, “I am very empathetic with the patients. It isn’t enough to be a top-of-your class graduate to be a great nurse … As a nurse, it is your job to maintain the decorum of the place and resolve all issues that arise inside the institution. They work with patients, doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff. 1 Comments such as these may be areas to explore with the candidate further in interviews or to address through preventative management or training measures. The interview is when you can elaborate on your strengths using specific examples and job duties to highlight your career. Their days can be filled with surprises, and a nurse needs to help diffuse stressful situations They might notice something changed with a patient and will need to use their skills to figure out what could cause it. By Alisha Cornell, DNP, MSN, RN, and Natalie Vaughn, MBA, on February 25, 2020. After years of education and training, the ability to apply clinical guidelines and best practices on the floor depends on a nurse’s ability to think critically, which is quickly noticed (either positively or negatively) by leadership, other nurses, and ultimately, patients. Examples could include being in the middle of a surgery or labor and delivery. ). This report is to examine my personal and professional skills, to identify my weaknesses and strengths and make some personal plans on how to improve and enhance them. 6 Nursing Strengths to Highlight During Your Job Search. Employers frequently list various strengths as necessary in postings for nursing positions. A great nurse has excellent interpersonal skills and works well in a variety of situations with different people. 6. Strengths and Weaknesses of A Nurse Leader No matter how great a nurse leader may be, every nurse leader has their strengths and weaknesses. While advantages of being a nurse far outweigh the drawbacks, before you choose this career path, realize there are also distinct disadvantages of being a nurse. Strengths Based Leadership. As a new NP I will have strengths, weaknesses, goals and objectives. Add to this combination caring for multiple patients simultaneously, and the risk for human error can seem almost inevitable. I’ve always had this quality for as long as I can remember, which is why I chose a career in nursing. The ability to communicate is a skill that enhances all areas of life including relationships and career advancement. Exercising leadership skills in any role/level of the organization shows a willingness to grow and adapt at one’s own pace. Related: 7 Powerful Ways to Start a Cover Letter. They work well with other nurses, doctors, and other members of the staff. A nurse mentor can help you chart a path forward that allows you to build on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses. While most nurses approach their careers with patient care in mind, many will unexpectedly transition into leadership roles. She is a strong advocate for improving self-care among nurses, equal access to healthcare in underserved populations, and improving community health education concerning mental health and social determinants of health. Activity 1: Personal Skills Review Decision Making. After all, people are depending on you, said Dawn Schwartz, MSN, IBCLC, ARNP, NNP-BC, director of nursing for ChildServe, which helps children with special healthcare needs in Des Moines, Iowa. Her commitment to impacting the lives of nurses through servant leadership is driven by her history of managing dynamic nursing teams and conquering life one day at a time. To derive satisfaction from such a mentally and physically exhausting career, nurses that can find time for a laugh are typically more successful in their roles. I had a patient once who had just found out they were in the early stages of breast cancer. Answers from the nursing community submitted on their top 3 strengths and weaknesses. Having a deep awareness of and sympathy for someone else’s suffering without judgment is the root of compassion. Having the ability to work these hours and having a positive attitude is a crucial strength for a nurse. Nurses need excellent written and verbal communication skills. Her combination of formal education and lived experiences provides a platform of inspiring others through self-awareness and a purpose driven life. Consider these nursing strengths frequently mentioned by employers in job descriptions: Nurses need excellent written and verbal communication skills. Nurses are the glue that holds the hospital together. Patients who come to a hospital or clinic typically need remedies that are not only effective, but also administered quickly. As the nation’s largest healthcare profession, registered nurses (RNs) are showing no signs of slowing down—in terms of projected job growth, influence, and leadership demand. Having a mentor can help you learn and evolve as a nurse. Nursing Leadership. A nurse with highly functioning critical thinking skills is one of the most important characteristics of a professional nurse. Additionally, CE Direct (known for its reputation as the leading provider in continuing education) offers a wealth of knowledge to nursing leaders on management and leadership education, including: Download a guide containing 15 examples of behavioral interview questions to identify those great nurses who possess essential characteristics and skills, including communication, empathy, problem-solving, resilience, and patient-safety-mindedness. A nurse also needs empathy when interacting with patients. New York: Gallup Publishing [amazon asin=1595620257&template=iframe image] A nurse’s day is continually changing, so be prepared for the unexpected. By practicing empathy, nurses are more likely to treat their patients as “people” and focus on a person-centered care approach, rather than strictly following routine guidelines. Quality #1: Empathy Empathy is the ability to feel what another person is experiencing from their point of view. In this article, we discuss the top nursing strengths, how to improve them and how to showcase those strengths on a resume. Nurses water the flower of humanity with the kind deeds that they do every single day. A nurse is usually on their feet for up to 12 hours a day. Great nurse leaders deal with conflict, and mediocre leaders run away from conflict. As a travel nurse, one of your additional benefits is the ability to work in a new place every 13-weeks. You can set professional and personal goals to improve your career. Consider these tips for improving your nursing strengths: Technology is continually evolving, so keeping up with the latest medical technology will keep your strengths sharp. This extremely important skill impacts nurses, their coworkers, and of course, the patients. Natalie is a Content Marketing Manager at Relias. That’s not saying you should start conflicts or instigate chaos wherever you go but as leaders, sometimes conflicts are unavoidable and must be handled. On a resume, you might list these under skills or use them to describe details of your work experience. Nurses interact with many patients throughout their day, as well as physicians, other nurses and hospital staff. Knowing my own strengths and weaknesses as a leader and a manager is the only way I can grow as an individual and to become the wild duck, as Adair (1989) quoted above, and lead others into the new changes. A characteristic of a good nurse is one that shows empathy to each patient, making a true effort to put themselves in their patients’ shoes. Becoming a nursing instructor is also a great way to change careers into something with more flexible hours, less physical strain and better pay. Balancing multiple patients, stressful care settings, and competing priorities is no small feat during a 12-hour shift. Adaptability and Flexibility In a practical sense, flexibility as a nurse can mean working in different wards or hospitals, or being called in last minute to cover a shift. She has worked in marketing and communications for more than 15 years, with more than half of her experience dedicated to healthcare quality improvement. While it may seem like a given, most people assume that all nurses enter the field because “caring” is one of... 2. Interview questions will cover both, your nursing strengths and weaknesses. With technological improvements and breakthrough studies in science, the healthcare industry (and healthcare workers) must prove to be successfully adaptive to provide the highest quality patient care possible. Indeed is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats in a health care environment. The physical demand on nurses is perhaps one of the most underestimated aspects of their careers. As a nurse you need to be able to understand your strengths so that you can best help your patients and other medical staff on your team. A good sense of humor is not only a characteristic of a nurse leader, but reminds patients and their families that “nurses are people, too” and ultimately increases their trust and openness with sharing feedback and concerns. After all, you already know most of the material. What Makes Someone a Good Nurse? A nurse also needs to follow hospital procedures, including giving proper doses of medication and recording it in their file. A good nurse is compassionate, empathic, honest, confident, respectful, reliable and responsible. As one of the leading qualities of a nurse leader, a great nurse understands that patient advocacy is a mindset that must be practiced every day, with every patient, throughout every stage of the care continuum. Given the significant projections of RNs’ national and global growth, understanding the qualities of a good nurse is invaluable to hospitals and health systems aiming to attract and retain the best nursing talent. The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. For nursing applicants, specifically, our experts said they’re typically looking for strengths like flexibility, a team player, extremely organized, multitasking, leadership abilities, creative problem-solving, an excellent communicator, or curiosity about learning new things. Strong communication skills are critical characteristics of a nurse. Having a good sense of humor also helps spread positivity to other nurses, patients, and their families. A nurse showing a natural tendency to truly care about how their patients feel (and in turn, how well they perform their job) will have a significant impact on their success in the nursing field, which makes caring a key indicator of a nurse’s success. For example, if you are in charge of record-keeping and want to show your detail-oriented strengths, you could say something about how you “kept vital patient information up-to-date, including details of treatment plans and recent visits.” Another example might be that you “counseled families after hearing difficult news and helped them understand the next steps.” This shows you are empathetic and also have excellent verbal communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively with various people throughout the day is a crucial strength for nurses to have. These are the skills an employer might list on a job description as necessary or preferred. No matter where you may choose to work as a nurse, you will encounter patients experiencing a wide range of physical or psychological issues. Because nurses encounter varying degrees of high-stress situations, taking the opportunity to enjoy the downtime and incorporate a lighthearted attitude can provide a sense of stress relief beyond measure. Your endurance strength will also be challenged as you may be called upon, for example, to assist with a last-minute surgery where you’re on your feet for hours. Setting time aside for selfcare is also a crucial component to time management. A nurse always needs to be prepared with solutions, whether it is speaking to patients’ families, comforting patients, or communicating with doctors and other administrative technicians. Leaders deal with conflict, and the risk for human error can seem almost inevitable a leader is not the. Cornell, DNP, MSN, RN, and the risk for human error can seem almost inevitable skills. Potential employer that you must be extremely malleable and adaptable to whatever thrown... 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