For example: soybean is more sensitive than corn to iron-deficiency chlorosis that occurs in calcareous soils. All other hay production is forecast at 2.70 million tons, up 6% from last year. All soybean yields are adjusted to 13 percent moisture and 60-pound soybeans/bushel. So, what will soybean and corn yields be in 2018? Both would be record yields. Iowa’s corn yield is projected to be 4 bushels below trend. Healthy soybean plants will average about 2.5 seeds per pod. State corn yields are projected to be above-trend for most Midwest states in the Corn Belt, except for Iowa, Ohio, and Nebraska. Numerous soybean seeding rate studies have been conducted in Michigan and across the United States. In late May, full-season varieties outyielded earlier maturing ones by 2.7 bushels per acre. "The results did not tell me to spread or not to spread, but they did confirm I might be able to get a better response by adjusting the application, placement or amount. Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Price per Unit Value of Production in Dollars; SOYBEANS: SOYBEANS: 4,900,000: 4,870,000 Also, the Derecho storm in August reduced yield estimates. As seen in the graph showing the 2019 state soybean per acre for each state, Illinois was ranked third producing soybeans with a yield of 54 bushels/acre. The average soybean yield for all combined areas of the state was 59 bushels per acre resulting in a total cost of production of $11.03 per bushel. 2017 Grains and Oilseeds; Crops Acres Seeded Acres Harvested Yield (bu/acre) Production ('000 bu) Farm Value per bu. Soybean Yields. Actual yields do not necessarily give an accurate portrayal of areas with good and poor yields because a state’s inherent productivity is not considered. Guidelines are available here. Indeed, division of the annual 2.17 bu/ac increase in Nebraska irrigated corn yield by the annual 0.68 bu/ac increase in Nebraska irrigated soybean yield (Figure 1) is also 3.2 (2.17 ÷ 0.68 = 3.2). Last year (2017) the 89,862,000 acres of US harvested soybean substantively exceeded the 82,770,000 acres of corn harvested in the US. In 2018, he broke another record, with 138-bushel rainfed soybeans. Soil characteristics in your particular area of the state may mitigate the irrigated yield potential of one crop versus the yield potential of the other crop. In the earlier plantings, full-maturity soybean yields bested those of earlier maturing ones by 7.2 bushels per acre. For what are soybeans used? The yield per acre remains relatively constant across population. Note the rapid rise in US soybean acreage from 1950 to 1980, when soybean acreage finally reached near-parity with US corn acreage. Thus, if your irrigated corn yield is 256 bu/ac, your irrigated soybean yield should be close to 80 bu/ac (256 ÷ 3.2 = 80). In this region, Illinois, Kentucky and Missouri are projected at 7 bushels per acre above trend, Indiana at 6 bushels above trend, Ohio and Kansas at 5 bushels above trend. 3000 – 4000 in market. Table 001-0017 - Estimated areas, yield, production and average farm price of principal field crops, in metric units, annual Updated: September 2020 * Crop year for soybeans is September-August. Considering yields alone, Iowa is an exception, with yields projected below trend levels. That is about 20 to 40 lbs K2O per acre more than a 150 bushel per acre corn crop and about 5 lbs K2O per acre more for the 80 bu per acre soybean yield than a 250 bushel per acre corn crop. Above-trend yields are projected across much of the Corn Belt. "We only picked up 4 bushels an acre, which was breakeven with $12 beans," he says. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. From August to September, NASS lowered Iowa’s yield estimate from 202 bushels per acre to 191 bushels per acre, a decline of 9 bushels per acre. Some parts of this site work best with JavaScript enabled. Soybeans need a high level of fertility to produce a good yield. The data also shows the yield achieved by each state for the specific year. You should not miss the Stevia Farming in Polyhouse. History of State Soybean Yield Rankings. About 48% of the state’s 2017 total soybean acreage was irrigated (Figure 3), whereas 56% of the 2017 total corn acreage was irrigated (Figure 3). ", Brazilian Soybean Profits to Reach Historical Highest in 2020/21, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics. Iowa stands out as the only state in the Midwest for which the yield estimated is below-trend. Soybean Yield Calculator The University of Kentucky created a formula for predicting soybean yields based upon some sample data from your fields. With proper management, soybeans can brim bins with plentiful yields as does corn. When soybeans are planted in May, a final (harvest) population of 100,000 to 120,000 plants per acre is generally adequate for maximum yield. In Illinois, the 2020 trend yield for corn is 191 bushels per acre. In Nebraska fields where corn and soybean are rotated annually, the ratio of corn yield to soybean yield in irrigated production has not changed much over the past 47 years, averaging 3.2 (Figure 2). Final soybean population depends on germination, emergence, disease and insect pressure, competition from other plants, etc. For example, the 2018 Nebraska rainfed soybean yield prediction would be 46.6 + 0.467 = 47.1 bu/ac, using the brown-colored rainfed numbers in the soybean chart (Figure 1, top). Figure 2. Many states are projected to have above-trend yields. Regression results then were used to project 2020 tends. Expected yield, at 1.80 tons per acre, is up 0.05 ton from last year. Data provided by the USDA NASS allows us to examine the history of the state soybean yield rankings. A compilation of these studies by Purdue University researchers in 2003 showed an average 6.2 bu/acre yield advantage for drilled soybeans (Lambert and Lowenberg-DeBoer). This would be the second year in a row that US soybean acreage has exceeded US corn acreage (Figure 4). This would suggest that farmers need to be dropping 160 to 170,000 seeds/acre in these situations. On August 10 USDA-NASS projected 2018 US soybean and corn yields of 51.6 and 178.4 bushels per acre, respectively. Yield averaged 40.5 bushels per acre. Soybean Yield Per Acre by State: Top 11 of 2018. As of end-2011, there is no such thing as biodiesel from algae apart from a few laboratory samples. For soybeans under stress, the seeds per pod could drop to 2, 1.5, or even less under high stress situations. “My average yield range was anywhere from about 62-80 bushels per acre in the FIRST trials,” he said. Both would be record yields. In crop year 2020/21, the yield of soybean crops in Brazil was forecast to reach 3.5 metric tons of oilseed per hectare of area planted, the highest figure reported in the decade. On August 10 USDA-NASS projected 2018 US soybean and corn yields of 51.6 and 178.4 bushels per acre, respectively.
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