((Suyuti- Itqan v.2, p. 4), This position of tafwid is reinforced with the Quranic verse, Say: The things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are….and saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge. Hanafi is just a way of practicing Sunni Islam, and it's … Some said that it is among the āyahs that are Mutashābihāt and its meaning is not known by other than Allāh, and this is the saying of Mālik. just like the two creations [are unable] (Humans and the Jinns). [14] Subkīy’s saying that this belief “cannot be verified neither by reason, nor by what has been related” needs some explanation. However this claim also contardicts the pious salaf. That’s why – Sa`eed bin `Aamir Ad-Dab`i (d. 208 H.), one of Imam Bukhari’s teachers, said: «The Jahmiyyah and mu’tazila have said worse than the Jews and Christians, the Jews, Christians and the people of religions have agreed that Allah –Tabaraka wa Ta`ala- is over the Throne, and they (the Jahmiyyah & mu’tazila) said: ‘There is none over the Throne.’» It had resulted with the riot in Ma'an. Examples of Tawil among the Salafus Saleh: Ibn Abbas and the Companions of the Prophet, sallahu alayhi wa salam: Concerning the verse, “The day that a Shin will be laid bare,” (Quran 68:42) Ibn Abbas interpreted the “shin” to mean “severity.”, Commenting on this verse, Imam al Tabari said, “A group of the Prophet’s companions and their disciples, and the people of figurative interpretation have said, ‘He will uncover a severe matter.’ And among those who interpreted the shin to mean ‘severity’ from the Imams of Quranic exegesis are Mujahid, Said Bin Jubayr, Qataba and others. The difference of opinion can sometimes also refer to whether every member of a sect is considered a blasphemer for merely belonging to their group. It was the jahmiyya and mu’tazila who alleged that God is not above the heavens due to the bida’ of using greek philosphy. “And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).”, Az-Zajjaj said: “Al-Baatin is He Who knows the inward and the hidden aspects of things. Tawil. Baca Juga: Pertikaian NU vs PKS Jelang Pilpres 2019: … Others [still] made a difference between what is a ‘close’ interpretation’, i.e. The salaf also stated «above the heavens and not the earth“», because if they meant elevation of status or power, then their saying would be a negation of Allah’s high status & power over the earth, which is a fault/defect. Wahabi and Salafi are the exact same, Wahabi is just a newer version of it. Say: “We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:” and none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.”(Qur’an,surah 3 verse 7), Ibn Abbas said, “I am of those well grounded in knowledge, who know the meaning (of the allegorical verses).” (Suyuti- Itqan v.2, p. 4), Ibn Taymiyyah says, “This reading has been reported from Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Muhammad Ibn Ijma Ibn Az Zubayr, Muhammad Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Qutybah and others. كان الله ولا مكان ، كان قبل أن يخلق الخلق ، كان ولم يكن أين ولا خلق ولا شىء وهو خالق كل شىء فمن قال لا أعرف ربي أفي السماء أم في الأرض فهو كافر . If He [ever] was in need [of it] then Saying: “not like His creation” will not help him, because the aspect of physical dimension remains in the meaning. Moreover, the word Al-‘Arsh does not necessarily mean “throne”, it could also mean “dominion”, and some of the Salaf said that. It is wrong to say that He is everywhere and it is also wrong to believe that He is nowhere. As for such a person’s encouragement of others to have such blasphemous beliefs, and his telling them that the one who does not have it is a blasphemer; this (activity of his) is (another) blasphemy and an abhorrent lie with the intent to spread deviance. Hanbali is most common in Saudi Arabia—primary in the form of state-sponsored Salafi—and in portions of the nearby Middle East. (Kitab Al-Arsh by Adh-Dhahabi (2/191) from the route of Ibn Abi Hatim Ar-Razi who narrated it in “Ar-Rad `ala Al-Jahmiyyah”. al-Naqd `ala al-jahmiyya This is because settlement is an attribute of bodies and signifies having a beginning, and Allāh is clear of that. It is a movement to preserve the teachings of the faith during non-Muslim rule. Arsh is the Throne of Allah according to Ahlus Sunnah. ... Salafi and Wahhabi are not two sides of the same coin. By it, Allāh protected His religion from all the wrong headed and those who spread doubts. The correct saying in our view, is that Al-‘Arsh in this Āyah means the Dominion and istawā is its action, meaning that the Dominion did not settle in equilibrium for anyone but Him.”, In case anyone is wondering who Abū Mansūr is, Al-Dhahabīy described him in his book Sīyar A’lām Al-Nubalā’ as: “the great, outstanding, and encyclopedic scholar…. He is not described by quiddity (al-ma’hiya), or by quality (al-kayfiyya), nor is He placed in space (al-makan), and time (al-zaman) does not affect Him. Also of note is the incident of Ibn Qudamah, when greeted with salaam From Ibn Asakir but he refused to respond it. Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah, may Allah show him mercy, used to recommend this book in the extreme, and he used to extol it greatly. Is it for inventing something, or for denying something?” ‘Alīy #RA# replied: “It is for denial. [The Jahmīyah are very different from the Khalaf]. but Salafi's reject it and tell we do not accept beliefs of wahhabism. He did not confine himself to creedal matters of theology, but transgressed the bounds and said that travelling to visit the tomb of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is a sin… The scholars agreed to imprison him for a long time, and the Sultan imprisoned him… and he died in prison. Scholars have explained that the meaning of “Arsh” in these verses is throne. They knew Allah aza wa jal rose over the throne and you have no knowledge whatsoever to claim that they believed otherwise. In terms of reason it is clear, because Allāh is eternal, and directions are not, as Al- Subkīy has already pointed out. Let us benefit from your showing of what the madh’hab of the salaf and the khalaf is in these two āyahs, and other āyahs, such as, “yanzil Rabbunā ilā Al-Samā’ Al-Dunyā”[5]. صلى الله على حبيبه محمد و على آله و أصحابه و سلم. Apa perbedaan antara keduanya? Assalamu alaikum akhi's and JazakumAllahukhairan. After that, Mahmūd Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Khattāb, Al-Subkīy says: Some of those who desire knowledge about the beliefs of the religion and to stand firm in the school of the Salaf and Khalaf [1]with regard to the hadīths and āyāt that do not have a clear or well known meaning (mutashābihāt) asked the following: What is the saying of the scholars, may Allāh protect them, regarding the one who believes that God has a physical direction, and that He sits on the throne in a special place and says, “this is the belief of the Salaf!” promotes this idea, and accuses those who deny this of blasphemy. There is no reason to extrapolate this. It was my mistake. It is a sin (but not blasphemy) to say so if one is referring to the book, because it is inappropriate and a bid’ah. Whoever worshipped Allah, Allah is Alive fis-Sama (above the heavens), and death does not touch Him.” [Ad-Darimi in Ar-Radd ‘Alal-Jahmiyyah], Aishah, radiya Allahu ‘anha said: “Glory be to the one whose hearing encompasses all the sounds.” Allah,- jal wa ‘ala-, heard the words of the mujadilah (She That Disputeth;The pleading woman) from above the seven heavens, and risen (mustawen) above His Throne, while some of it was hidden from someone who was present and close to her. ... Browse other questions tagged terminology madhhab salafi or ask your own question. Allāh is clear of and above being surrounded by any creation of His. This refutes the mu’tazila and latter ashari claims. It is forbidden for speculation to presume anything about Him. Space is a creation, it has a form, and it changes. Usually Muslims believe God created the throne as a sign of his power and not as place of dwelling. So the one that says, “I do not know about by Lord, is He in the Sky or on Earth,” is a blasphemer. As for the Khalaf, their tawil is specific (tafsili) because they were forced to recur to it due to the abundance of innovators. it is understanding the religion the way the best generations, i.e. – Ali bin al Madini. After saying that, the judgment is that this belief is invalid, and the one who believes it is a non-muslim by the consensus of those who count among the scholars. No wonder Jarir Ibn Abdul-Hamid Ad-Dabbi (d. 188 H.) said: «The beginning of the speech of the Jahmiyah is honey, and the end of it is poison, verily they are only trying to say: that there is no ilah (diety) above the heavens.» [35], This is the way of the khalaf in all āyahs and hadiths of this kind, based on their saying that the full stop in the āyah about the āyahs that do not have a single possible, or well known, meaning comes after “only Allāh knows their meaning and those steadfast in knowledge,” i.e. They delved into Ilm al Kalam because they should give answers to Ahlu’l-Bidah who also had dwelved into Ilm al-Kalam. [37] Note: he means of course that the majority of the Salaf take this approach to this āyah, not absolutely all, since that would be consensus (ijmā’), and ‘ijmā’ cannot be contradicted once it has been established on an issue. And this is more well known of the two positions of the scholastic theologians.” (Meaning more well known among the scholars of the khalaf – later generation) Prophet Musa peace be upon him believed in Allah being above the heavens. Verily we are Allāh’s creation and we will return to be judged by Him! Salafism is omnipresent in the Jordanian society. The hadīth master Ibn ‘Asākir rahmatullahi alayh said in his book “Tabyīn Kadhib Al-Muftariy fiy mā nusiba ila-l-Imām Abiy Al-Hasan Al-Ash’ariy“: “Know – may Allāh grant you and me success by His reward, and make us among those who truly fears Him – that the flesh of the scholars is poisonous, and it is the well known norm of Allāh in His creation to expose those who insult them; the one that slanders them will be afflicted by Allāh before he dies with the death of his heart.”. May AllÁh be exalted over that, in being high and great.” (Kitab Al-Wasiyyah by Abu Hanifa, p.3), “Know that when we say that Allah, Mighty and Majestic, is above what He has created that does not mean that He is above in terms of a physical place, or that He has risen above physical places by a certain distance and He supervises these places by applying Himself to something No, I will not take from them anymore. Is the one who believed that what this one is saying is true, also a non-muslim, like him? [1] The Salaf are the scholars of the first three centuries after the Hijrah, while the Khalaf are those after that. [3] Surah al-Mulk, 16; its pronunciation is: ‘a ‘amintum man fi-s-Samā’. The Hāfith (ibn Hajar al-Asqalani) said in al-Fath[15]: “the Fuqahā’ (fiqh scholars) all agreed, from east to west, upon the belief in the Qur’ān and the hadiths that trustworthy people related from the Prophet #SAW# about the attributes of Allāh, without likening them to creation or explanation.”, They only disagreed on the matter of explaining the meaning of these āyahs, so the salaf (i.e. but Salafi's reject it and tell we do not accept beliefs of wahhabism. Astaghfirullah you are being like a typical jahmi, accusing great scholars of being mujassim. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. And of course I’m speaking strictly physical. Madhab of the salaf and the 4 madahib (Maliki, Shafi'i, Hanbali, Hanafi) Ask Question Asked 1 year, 8 months ago. Here ends the quote (i.e. It is wrong to say that He is everywhere and it is also wrong to believe that He is on something, as all these are limited whereas Allah Almighty is limitless. but wahabis have great propaganda power and great media power and call themselves salafi. As the biggest achievement of those generations (salaf-us-saliheen) is to build a foundation of Fiqh and Aqidah that have resulted in school of thoughts, which salafis now reject or at least don't follow. Shaykh Ali Al-Nahrāwi, the lecturer in the higher section. All his religious works are invalid, such as prayer, fasting and Hajj, and his wife is separated, and he must repent (by returning to Islam) immediately. Imam Ahmad staunch condemnation of speculative theology (Ilm al Kalam): this refutes many later asharis since they delved into ilm al kalam. [Tafsir At-Tabari [Jami` Al-Bayan] (23/168)], Ibn Abi Zamanin (d. 399 H.) said: “Adh-Dhahir is the High above everything He created, and Al-Batin is His inward knowledge of His creation (i.e His knowledge of the hidden), {And He is All-Knower of every thing} [Al Hadid: 3].” 08-08-10, 12:16 PM. فكيف تنكر هذا وأنت تزعم أن الله في الأرض وفي جميع أمكنتها والأرض دون العرش في العظمة والسعة فكيف تقله الأرض في دعواك ولا يقله العرش الذي أعظم منها وأوسع؟, “Verily, Allah is greater than all things and bigger than all creation, and the throne is not carrying Him by [its] glory and strength, nor are the carriers of the throne carrying it by their strength, nor could they bear His throne; but they carried it by His power. Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani said, “al-Bayhaqi and others have narrated from the four imams, from the two Sufyan, the two Hammad, al-Awza’i, from al-Layth and others, that they DID interpret this text (make tawil) according to what befits Allah, and what is in use in the language of the Arabs.” (1), Imam Ali Qari said, “The Salaf and Khalaf agree over tawil. Salafi creed is essentially Ibn Taymiyyah’s understanding of the creed of Imam Ahmad and the Salafus Salih, while the Hanbali creed is essentially the creed of Imam Ahmad. Rather, He is Great and High in Status, He has the attributes of complete perfection and the names that are beautiful. -Fatwa by Shaykh Ali Jumu’ah, “I am a student at the college of Sharī’ah and I have learned and studied in the Science of Belief that Allāh exists without being in a place, and that He is not placed in any direction. One can argue that Ibn Taymiyyah was a Hanbali and thus what he said is part of the Hanbali school, as with any school, all their scholars make up the school, not just the founder. ( Log Out /  It also conflicts with the fact that the earth turns, so that what is up at one point in time is another direction at another time. If invalid, does the one who says so commit blasphemy so that all his previous works are annulled, such as prayer, fasting and other religious activities and is his marriage contract invalidated? Nor is he in you or me or in the tree or in water or in the sky or in the sun or in Jesus Christ or in Muhammad. In other words, what she meant to say was that Allāh’s status is very high, unlike those worshiped idols on the ground. Moreover, the word Al-‘Arsh does not necessarily mean “throne”, it could also mean “dominion”, and some of the Salaf said that. The Ash’arīy Masters, may Allāh reward and please them, are the majority of the scholars of those who are associated with the call of the Prophet Muhammad subhanahu wa ta’ala. It has been confirmed by Ibn Daqiq al-Id that al-Bayhaqi said that the safest [of all these methods] is to believe in those texts without a how (bila kayf) and to not speak about what is intended.”. [Imam Ibn al-Qayyim in his book: Ijtima‘ al-Juyoosh al-Islaamiyah” ]. ... Browse other questions tagged terminology madhhab salafi or ask your own question. FLAMING FALCON. In this phrase the author has compared Allah to every living thing, although nothing is like Him whatsoever. Then later on, he mentions as one of the beliefs of the Sunnis that: “ًWhoever attributed to Allāh a meaning that is of the meanings that apply to human beings has committed blasphemy.”. Tafwid, saying, “such verses should not be given a definitive interpretation, but rather their meaning should not be discussed, and the knowledge of them should be cosigned to Allah Most (tafwid), while at the same time believing in the transcendence of Allah Most High, and that the characteristics of created things do not apply to Him (Allah).”. He said “I don’t attribute to Him an adjective that can be used for others, such as existing, alive, willing and such,” and accepted to say that He has power, brings into existence, acts, creates, gives life and death, because only He has these attributes. Baca Juga: Pertikaian NU vs PKS Jelang Pilpres … – Naqd or Ar-Rad ala Bishr al Mirrisi (Replying to the heretic Bishr al Mirrisi d. 218 H.). Yes, if one does believe that Allah has hands, feet, face, etc…that is similar to his creation, then without doubt this person would come out of the fold of Islam. In this there is a difference of opinion, but only regarding people who are uneducated who say this, not scholars. – Ishaq bin Rahwaih ʿAbd al-Hadi’s (d. 909/1503) Ḥanbali law manual, Kitab furuʿ al-fiqh. For these reasons, the hadīth of the slave girl is given an acceptable figurative interpretation. Thus, the question: “Where is God” is fundamentally wrong. When “God” sits upon the Kursi there remains a space of four fingers on it: إن كرسيه وسع السماوات والأرض وإنه ليقعد عليه فما يفضل منه إلا قدر أربع أصابع ومد أصابعه وإن له أطيطا كأطيط الرحل الجديد إذا ركبه من يثقله, ““Verily, His chair can hold the skies and the earth, and verily He sits down on it and there is no space left over in it except the space of four fingers,” and he extended his four fingers. `Uthman ibn Sa`id al-Darimi, Kitab al-naqd `ala al-jahmiyya (Cairo, 1361/1942). [8] The meaning of al-Shurā, 11; what Al-Subkīy has mentioned is enough for the sound minded, because Islam does not teach something contradictory – all its teachings are harmonious in meaning. Ibn al-Qayyim clearly declares that he fully agrees with whatever al-Darimi has to say in his two books and he testifies that his shaikh Ibn Taimiyah also agrees with whatever al-Darimi says! in fact Salafi are orignal sunni Muslims that does not have extremist wahhabi beliefs. This is not the meaning of the statement, however, and the Arabic Language is not limited to this meaning. Authentic Hanbali ‘Aqeedah vs “Salafi” ‘Aqeedah. He made Takfir upon the Karramiyyah because of their saying that Allah ta’ala is subject to changes and their belief that Allah ta’ala is limited from the side of the throne (both are beliefs that are present in “al-Naqdh ‘ala Bishr al-Marisi”). However, he is never mentioned in the Six Books of traditions, which points to problems concerning his person, in view of the teachers he is said to have studied with. Al-Qurtubīy in his commentary in the Qur’ān narrates from his Shaykh Ibn Al-‘Arabīy regarding the those who say Allāh has a body: “The sound verdict is that they are blasphemers, because there is no difference between them and those that worship idols and pictures. If one believes that there is nothing similar to Allah in any way, then his Aqidah is correct and there is no need for disputes and arguments. III. p. 20: Brothers! That is, one cannot say that this thing in any of its state must exists. Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alaihi wasallam) ordered me, ‘Free her. In short, Allah’s existence is completely unlike ours. 8 Responses to “ Hasan Ali – Salafi vs. Sufi & Bid’ah ” ... Our madhab is Islam for convenience sake we are Hanafi, Shafaee, Hanbali or Maliki and there is nohting wrong with them. God exists with no need of space, without a space, before and after the space are created or vanquished. So please give me a fatwa on this, because there are some people that attack the belief of Al-Azhar.”. 4 vols. [39] A number of scholarly sayings have already been mentioned in previous footnotes, but it is worth adding here that Ibn Hajar Al-Haytamīy said in Al-Minhāj Al-Qawīm Sharhu-l-Muqaddimah Al Hadramīyah: “Know that Al-Qarāfīy and others narrated from Al-Sħāfi’īy, Mālik, Ahmad and Abū Hanīfah #RH# that those who say that Allāh is in a direction, or has a body, have committed blasphemy — and they deserve this verdict.”. She is a believer’.”. [23] If someone translated it literally, he would say that “ayna Allāh?” means: “where is Allāh?” and that her saying “fiy Al-Samā’” (pronounced fi-s-Samā’) means: fiy (in) Al-Samā’ (the sky). Sometime ago there was an imaam, whose name was Abdul Wahhab (full name - I don't know), who 'resurrected' the sunnah of prophet Muhammadh which were slowly dying out. His book “Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah” is amongst the most beneficial and noble books. Hanbali – stick out the forefinger throughout the sitting – but do not move it back and forth (Salafi – stick out forefinger and move it back and forth – similar to maliki) See more of Debate Corner (Shia "Twelver" VS Hanafi/Maliki/Shafai/Hanbali/Salafi/Kharji on Facebook I'm a Suna or an I'm Salafi. How then does someone that has even a tiny mind picture that clearing Him of being attributed with these 6 directions is the same as denying His existence??!! Negotiators should ensure that rebuilt security forces are politically neutral and secure the Madkhalis’ pledge to respect pluralism. This contraditcts the very foundation of having a Hanbali (or the other 3) Mazhab. Ma’rib. I believe that there isn’t a Muslim that really believes that Allah is similar to his creation in any way, thus disputes and arguments must be avoided. Since most of the quotations from the salaf clearly show they believed in the siffat of Allah without giving philosophical explanations or rhetoric ta’wil. Yet, Imam Ahmad said, “Do not sit with the people of kalam, even if they defend the Sunna.” And Allah knows best. The above athar invalidates the misinterpretations of the Jahmites of this name, “al-Baatin”, be they the Hulooli Jahmites who believe Allaah is in everything, or the Mu’attil Jahmites who attempt to deny Allaah’s uluww through the two Names of adh-Dhaahir and al-Baatin – which they interpret to mean that nothing is above Him and nothing is below Him, which amounts to them, the negation of actual istawa. He is also not attributed with settling in or on anything that has a beginning, and not with transformation or movement or the like. it is completely permissable to have fiqh from one of the 4 madhabs and in aqeedah be salafi. وادعى المعارض أيضا أنه ليس لله حد ولا غاية ولا نهاية وهذا هو الأصل الذي بنى عليه جهم جميع ضلالاته واشتق منها أغلوطاته وهي كلمة لم يبلغنا أنه سبق جهما إليها أحد من العالمين. They simply mean by jism Allāh’s existence, and not any of the meanings that apply to human beings, such as direction or size. His knowledge encompasses everything (including) what is beneath the seven earths.” [Al-Uwloo’ by Imam Adhahabee, page 132], Ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī, However, Allah, Mighty and Majestic, is the creator of time and space. A Jordanian Salafi cleric, Mohammad al-Shalabi, is the head of Jordanian Jihadi Salafist Movement, which sought to purify Islam and introducing a more strict version of Islam in Jordan, which was known for tolerance. Only the sound minded take heed and ponder this.”, The salaf said there is a full stop in the āyah after, “only Allāh knows their meaning.” As for the “steadfast in knowledge” mentioned after this in the Qur’ān; this is the beginning of a new sentence (i.e. He replied: «He is over the seventh Heaven over His Throne. Moreover, was He sitting, according to them, on the non existing ‘arsh before it existed???!! Fourth, the disputed text in the singular hadīth which literally states “Where is Allah?” does not fit with the well-known principles set forth to determine if someone is Muslim. Home; Local Services; Pro Register; Bride Registration; 0; Wedding Tips; hanbali vs hanafi in status, not physical aboveness.) The Maliki, Hanbali etc... these four divisions are within Sunni Islam and frankly it's quite silly to dispute over them. Home; Local Services; Pro Register; Bride Registration; 0; Wedding Tips; hanbali vs hanafi “He (Allah) is beyond having limits placed on Him, or being restricted, or having parts or limbs. ʿAbd al-Hadi’s (d. 909/1503) Ḥanbali law manual, Kitab furuʿ al-fiqh. This is what this great Hanbalīy scholar said. 6, page 313, under the entry for (‘Arsh): “Transmitted on authority of ‘Ibn ‘Abbaas is that he said, “The Throne is the seat ‘Majlis’ of the Merciful.”, Imaam Abdullaah bin Ahmad quotes Abdullaah ibn Mubaarak as saying, “….I bear witness that You are above Your Throne above the seven heavens. Its grading is: hasan. Featured … Note: This statement is in direct opposition to what we find in the ‘Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah, which has been accepted by the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah in general. Najdis really dont understand. Re: Hanafism vs Salafism. The Salafi Da`wah vs. the Four Imams July 15, 2019 July 30, 2019 Jalal Abualrub ahmad, aqeedah, four, four imams, hanbali, haneefa, malik, salafi, shafi. it is more prevalent among them to say, not that they all say that. They say about the hadith “yanzil Rabbunā ilaā Al-Samā’ Al-Dunyā,” that this has a meaning that befits Allāh, and that only Allāh knows it. Whoever said that they are blasphemers or sinners; his religion in in danger. “And there is none like unto Him.” (112: 4). It means you believe whatever Allah aza wa jal meant by it. Hanbali is a school of fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence. HANBALI VS SALAFI Some said, however, that it may be said for teaching purposes, if one feels it is necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings. Those with deviance in their hearts will emphasize the latter kind of aayahs in order to spread deviance (i.e. **. Allah Most High says about Himself: If one was to say that Allah is everywhere, then this is wrong, as ‘everywhere’ is limited and ends somewhere, whereas Allah is not limited. Many of the statements of Ahlus Sunnah included: «And His Knowledge is everywhere.» or “His Knowledge encompasse everything» and such. Well it would be ironic that all these scholars praised Imam Darimi without reading his works. [5] Its pronunciation is: “yanzilu Rabbunā ila-s-Samā’i-d-Dunyā “. Source: P. 3/379, Abū Faraj Ibn Al-Jawzīy. The people of Sunnah and Jama’ah (adherents to the prophetic way) believe that Allah is exalted above His creation because of the evidence of the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic traditions), consensus of the scholars of salaf. Note finally the subtle eloquence of Al-Tahāwīy’s choice of the words ” a meaning that is of the meanings”, because this provides the general rule that the meaning is the main concern. So when Allah aza wa jal informs me he rose over the throne, it’s not necessary for me to say I take the literal meaning, nor can you condemn me in the slightest for doing so-I am but doing what I was commanded. [A saying of Ibn Kathīr and Nu’aym Ibn Hammād about mutashābihāt]. the sahaba and the tabe'en did, which is one of the foundations of the rightly guided group, ahlu-s-sunnah, which every muslim should be, following Qur'an and Sunnah in light of the understanding that the righteous companions had (like Abu Bakr, who was the best man to walk the earth after the prophets and who is even mentioned in the Qur'an) - the last prophet taught the sahaba the religion, and they (and the scholars that followed) taught us. wahhabis try to hijack salafi and deviate salafi Muslims. It is said ‘batantu so-and-so’, i.e. Abu Ubaid said about His saying, ‘the Most Merciful Istawaa upon the Throne’ – ‘Above (‘alaa)…’ So its clear that the sunni creed is that Allah is above the throne and He is seperate from His creation. —الإمام ابن القيم رحمه الله في كتابه اجتماع الجيوش الإسلامية أهـ, Quote: And the steadfast in knowledge, they say: “we believe in them, they are all from Our Lord.” to: Only Aļļaah knows their meaning and the steadfast in knowledge. For example, the authenticated and sound narration in the hadīth collection Musannaf ‘AbdurRazzāq, which reads, “Do you testify that ‘la ilāha ill-Allāh’ (there is none worthy of worship except Allah)?” In addition, although some narrations of this hadīth states that the Prophet called her a “believer”, not all of them state that. About; Tag Archives: Hanbali. I used to be a Sufi, a Muslim Brother, a secular, … but now I’ve finally found the truth”.This statement perfectly reflects what I refer to as the quest for purity: Salafism is considered by its adherents as the purest Islam, both a cozy refuge for believers and an unassailable fortress for the enemies.
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