This is viewer supported news. Please do your part today. We saw it so many times throughout the country. Ben Crump Law is a national practice with offices located around the country. Well, we don’t buy that. Ben Crump Law. He is the founder and president of Ben Crump Law in … When big companies act negligently and harm large groups of people, it can appear as if there are few consequences for their actions. She said, most recently, “Daniel Prude was in the throes of a mental health crisis, and what he needed was compassion, care and help from trained professionals. Ahmaud Arbery life matters. The Democratic-led House of Representatives is expected to vote next week on a sweeping police reform bill that would ban chokeholds, prohibit federal no-knock warrants, establish a National Police Misconduct Registry and other measures. From serious personal injury to environmental negligence, labor and employment cases, class actions, and more, we win big settlements on behalf of victims and their families: Ben Crump is known for righting the wrongs and fighting for the under-served, often collecting millions of dollars for victims and their families. *Injury or Event that occurred within the past weekInjury or Event that occurred more than one week agoI am a current client of Ben CrumpI am with the Media / PressI would like to make a commentOther, “When the unthinkable happens, Ben Crump is there for you.”, From representing clients in serious injury cases, environmental cases, class actions, and other lawsuits to leading landscape-changing civil rights cases, Attorney Ben Crump and his team of attorneys are dedicated to holding the powerful accountable for taking advantage of those who don’t have any power. Last year, it passed the House of Representatives, but Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Senate at the time, refused to bring it to the floor. Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump said that President Trump has not yet reached out to the family of Jacob Blake but suggested they would be willing to speak with him. How could you say that you were in fear of your life? The Hill is a top US political website, read by the White House and more lawmakers than any other site -- vital for policy, politics and election campaigns. One of its stumbling blocks is qualified immunity -- something Attorney Ben Crump says "allows bad police officers to engage in reprehensible conduct" like in the killing of George Floyd. I’m very confident that we will get justice, but we’ll still feel from his death. TASHYRA PRUDE: I would like to see them be fired and charged with murder. The Ben Crump Law website is placarded with numerous recent cable news appearances, many conducted from his Tallahassee home during quarantine. Let’s begin with this legislation that’s going to be on the House of Representatives next week, to be voted on. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. And also, it speaks to qualified immunity that the Supreme Court put forth, giving police officers a way to — get-out-of-jail pass when they kill, especially a marginalized person of color, in Graham v. Connor, in Garner v. Tennessee, where, literally, all the police has to do is say three little words, and they will be justified in whatever way they kill us. We saw in the video George Floyd was very compliant with the police officers. “We need systematic reform,” says Crump. This comes as the trial of the officer, Derek Chauvin, who has been out on bail, begins March 8th. AMY GOODMAN: A warning to our audience: Our first segment today contains graphic descriptions of police violence. Tuesday marked the first anniversary of Arbery’s murder. “Jim Crow in New Clothes”: In First Senate Speech, Raphael Warnock Slams, “The Sum of Us”: Heather McGhee on How Racism Undercuts the American Dream for Everyone, Stop Asian Hate: Connie Wun on Atlanta Spa Killings, Gender Violence & Spike in Anti-Asian Attacks, Burmese Protesters Continue to Demand Democracy as Authorities “Shoot to Kill” in Sweeping Crackdown, “Immoral & Illegal”: U.S. & U.K. Move to Expand Nuclear Arsenals, Defying Global Disarmament Treaties. Can you talk about this George Floyd bill? They did not have to torture this human being to death. As we said after Michael Brown grand jury decision was announced, the whole system needs to be indicted. In a Friday afternoon press conference, Mr. Crump announced that Minneapolis would pay $27 million to settle the civil suit Crump brought on behalf of the Floyd family. AMY GOODMAN: Which brings us to our next segment. Ben Crump on Arbery’s Death “It’s so reminiscent of the motivations for lynchings, which claimed more than 3,400 black lives from 1882 to 1968: A crime was committed or suspected; black people were rounded up and murdered,” Ben Crump wrote in USA TODAY. Crump alleged, and the media and the White House likewise asserted, that a white racist police officer murdered an innocent young black man. Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump testifies during the House Judiciary Committee hearing on Policing Practices and Law Enforcement Accountability at the U.S. Capitol on … You know, we had to get the video released, because even though the police saw the video of Ahmaud Arbery being lynched for jogging while Black on the first day, they took the word of the lynch mob, who said it was self-defense. What do you mean? It’s regrettable that many times, because the grand jury proceedings are secret, we don’t know what evidence was offered by the prosecutor to the jurors in making their determination. News Personality. And so, normally, the federal government in most of these Black Lives Matter police killings, they say that there is not enough evidence for them to bring federal charges, because it’s such a high bar to have to prove that there was a violation of civil rights, because they say that they can’t infer what was in the mind of the police officer. Stay with us. BEN CRUMP'S TEAM WINS RECORD SETTLEMENT FOR FAMILY OF BREONNA TAYLOR BUT JUSTICE HAS NOT BEEN SERVED AGAINST ALL THOSE RESPONSIBLE. It’s great to have you with us. We know that’s part of the intellectual justification of discrimination that leads to the legalized genocide of Black people in America. AhmaudArbery. I’ve learned how to take day by day, sometimes hour by hour. AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to ask you, Ben Crump, about another case that you’re involved with, and that’s the case of Daniel Prude, this horrific killing almost a year ago in Rochester. AMY GOODMAN: And so, now this grand jury has refused to indict, despite the calls for the charges to be brought by New York’s Attorney General Letitia James, whose office led the investigation. Benjamin Crump, we want to ask you to stay with us, civil rights attorney representing the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Daniel Prude, the family of Ahmaud Arbery. The lawyers at Ben Crump Law are at the forefront of protecting the civil rights of those denied them: discrimination, harassment, and the injustices of the justice system are among the areas in which our firm fights for those whose rights are violated. Ben Crump is one of the most recognized attorneys of our time. And that is crucial, Amy, because aside from banning chokeholds and no-knock warrants, it also speaks to having a national database of these police who engage in this excessive use of force and misconduct, so they can’t simply be exposed for killing a Black person or brutalizing a person of color and then go down the street in the next city and get another job, as was the case with Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old kid who was killed on the playground. God will get me through. AMY GOODMAN: Ben Crump, I wanted to ask you also about the new federal grand jury that’s been impaneled in Minneapolis, and the Justice Department has called new witnesses as part of its investigation into Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who goes on trial next month on the murder charge of George Floyd. We need systematic reform, and the George Floyd Justice and Accountability Policing Act is so crucial. “Justice was done — white justice, the only justice that mattered… I mean, I pray, and I stand on my — I stand on my faith. The tragic murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have once again demanded a national conversation about unequal justice in America. ... Benjamin Crump … The White House will propose $1 … And Malcolm X, who I argue was the personification of Black Lives Matter, his life matters. Ben Crump’s team is renowned for their willingness to fight insurance companies to get compensation for the injured. Please do your part today. A healthcare provider that fails to abide by a professional standard of care could seriously injure or even kill a patient. The … A product that millions of people have trusted might have been a known carcinogen for years. BEN CRUMP: --this has to be addressed because this is the thing that allows bad police officers to engage in reprehensible conduct like we saw with George Floyd and … Major protests this week because a grand jury refused to charge any of the officers involved. Maybe we should turn him over,” his words were, “No, we will keep him like this.” That tells us his mindset, that he intended to continue to punish George Floyd. Other than that, they will continue to kill Black people with impunity. Ben Crump Law His mom was pumping gas when the carjacker jumped into her vehicle. ... Ben Crump. I'm gonna give you my idea why you're here. And in Georgia, the mother of Ahmaud Arbery has filed a multimillion-dollar civil lawsuit against the white men who chased down and shot to death her 25-year-old son while he was out for a jog. This is what she said. BENJAMIN CRUMP: We certainly expect the federal government to bring charges against officer Derek Chauvin in violation of the civil rights of George Floyd, who he tortured to death by putting his knee on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. The following is a transcript of an interview with civil rights attorney Ben Crump that aired Sunday, March 7, 2021, on "Face the Nation." Contact us for a free case evaluation. And then the expectation is for President Joe Biden to sign this historic piece of legislation within his first 100 days of his administration. BENJAMIN CRUMP: Yes. We won’t let you kill our leaders and our people and then sweep it under the rug and say that their lives didn’t matter. We must remember Breonna Taylor’s case and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, case, one of the rare instances where we saw the inner workings of the grand jury. The bill is called the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, named after the African American man who was killed last year by a white Minneapolis police officer who pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. by Stacy M. Brown, NNPA Newswire Senior National Correspondent Almost 56 years to the Feb. 21, 1965, assassination of Malcolm X, the slain leader’s daughters and a noted civil rights … Continued Whether you are facing a battle against the likes of a large corporation, a government agency or an insurance company, Ben Crump is willing to fight for you. I mean, in all these situations, the police tried to say they were in fear of their life, even though the Black people were running away from them when they killed us. to your inbox each morning. Crump leads the George Floyd family’s legal team, and he and his law firm represent individuals and families across the nation in civil rights, environmental justice, class action, and serious injury cases. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. And as we all know, it was captured on video with citizens practically begging officer Chauvin to take his knee off his neck, while George Floyd said “I can’t breathe” for 28 times. Thank you so much for having me, Amy, and talking about these important historical matters that will hopefully change policing in America, change the culture of policing in America. A one-year-old boy was shot in the head by Houston police as they chased a robbery suspect. Daniel Prude life matters. Talcum powder allegedly can cause ovarian cancer. Join Facebook to connect with Kason Little and others you may know. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. AMY GOODMAN: Wanda Cooper-Jones, the mother of Ahmaud Arbery, who you know well, spoke to Waynesboro, Georgia’s TV station WRDW on the first anniversary of her son’s killing this week. Well, here we know Derek Chauvin had ample time to take his knee off his neck. Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, who has represented the families of Floyd, Daniel Prude, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many other victims of police and racial violence, says the legislation is “crucial” for reforming police culture across the U.S. and reducing violence against Black people. Get your free case evaluation now! We saw that the prosecutors put forth a very weak case. Crump hosted the six-part A&E documentary "Who Killed Tupac?" Floyd family attorney Ben Crump said the historic settlement "sends a message that the unjust taking of Black life will no longer be written off as trivial." They should be arrested, and they should be tried as the killers that they are. Here’s how we’re helping victims. The Black father died last March from asphyxiation while experiencing a mental health crisis. In all of these cases, Taylor and Prude and Floyd, the victims of police violence. And then he got a job in Cleveland within two [sic] weeks. Meanwhile, in Kentucky, the state Senate unanimously passed a bill on Thursday to ban some no-knock police warrants. BENJAMIN CRUMP: I can, Amy. Video of the incident sparked international protests. And when you put forth a weak case to get a prosecution, then you won’t get the grand jury to decide. Attorney Ben Crump is a nationally recognized trial lawyer. So, that’s why we have to pass this legislation, to have systematic reform and a change in culture so we can truly say that the courts respect Black Lives Matter. This comes nearly a year after 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot to death in her own Louisville home by plainclothes officers serving a no-knock warrant. WANDA COOPER-JONES: I wouldn’t say that I’ve healed much. After justice, Ahmaud won’t be with me. You were not there. Amy, it has been said that a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich, because 99.999% of the time, when a prosecutor wants an indictment, a prosecutor gets an indictment. There’s no reason why they should be on a paid suspension. And when asked by other officers that were there also restraining George Floyd, “We are concerned about him. ATTORNEY BEN CRUMP ANNOUNCES RECORD-BREAKING $27M SETTLEMENT AWARDED TO THE FAMILY OF GEORGE FLOYD BY THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. It wasn’t until we the people, who saw the video, when they finally arrested these murderers after 10 months of them sleeping in peace in their bed. He then killed this little 12-year-old child playing on the playground by himself. Benjamin Crump, we want to ask you to stay with us, civil rights attorney representing the families of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Daniel Prude, the family of Ahmaud Arbery. Free Consultations / No Fees Until We Win 800-959-1444, Reason for Contact? We got example after example, whether it’s Terence Crutcher walking away with his hands up, whether it’s Jacob Blake Jr. walking away, trying to get away from the police, whether it’s Laquan McDonald. The significance of this? Copy may not be in its final form. Breonna Taylor life matters. Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, shown testifying at a June 10 House Judiciary Committee hearing prompted by the death of George Floyd, announced he … 1215 K Street, Suite 1700 Sacramento, CA 95814 ATTORNEY BEN CRUMP ANNOUNCES RECORD $411 MILLION VERDICT ON BEHALF OF LOCAL VETERAN PARALYZED IN I-10 VEHICLE ACCIDENT. Kason Little is on Facebook. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. On Monday, Ben Crump provided additional details related to the medical issues Blake is dealing with. After passing the House, the George Floyd Justice Act now heads to the Senate. Democracy Now! This is a rush transcript. … They say, “I felt fear,” “I felt threatened.” And the Supreme Court said, “Well, you can’t Monday morning quarterback the police. And for what reason? Watch Video: Crump says trial of Derek Chauvin, cop charged in George Floyd’s death, expected to begin Monday. Class actions can give a group of people the opportunity to hold these corporations accountable. Property owners have a responsibility to protect their patrons and other visitors. Suite 310 Washington D.C. 20004, 368 W. Huron St., Ste 2N Chicago, IL 60654, 11111 Santa Monica Blvd #700 Los Angeles, CA 90025, 1215 K ST. 17th FloorSacramento, CA 95814, © 2021 All Rights Reserved. Individuals, pension funds, unions, and foundations have all been victims of misconduct at the hands of those who were supposed to be responsibly managing their hard-earned money. Meanwhile, in Rochester, New York, protests broke out this week after a grand jury decided not to file charges against the Rochester police officers involved in the death of Daniel Prude. WANDA COOPER-JONES: Just imagining life without Ahmaud. From left: Talley Kaleko, Duane Washington, Ben Crump, Robert Cox. California . He has represented the families of George Floyd, Daniel Prude, Ahmaud Arbery and many other victims of police violence. George Floyd life matters. The officer that killed him, just three [sic] months prior, had been terminated from another police department, where they said he was unfit to be a police officer. Please respect our republishing guidelines – Click Here Benjamin Crump has turned racial strife and tragedy into another monster payday for himself and George Floyd’s family. And that’s why we have to have systemic reform to change the entire culture of criminal justice in America. When they forgo that responsibility, they could face a lawsuit for their negligence. And that’s why we continue to argue, whether it’s in the Malcolm X case or it’s in Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Jacob Blake Jr., we argue transparency, transparency, transparency. AMY GOODMAN: Can you talk about the substance of this lawsuit, as we wrap up this segment of the show? INTERVIEWER: What’s been the hardest part? He and his team are committed to getting justice for their clients, and the settlements needed to care for their families. Hear Ben speak on national platforms to educate and advocate for the families of Ahmaud, Breonna, and George. Daniel Prude’s daughter, Tashyra Prude, appeared on CNN in September calling for the Rochester officers involved in the killing to be fired and charged with murder. The filing comes a day after his longtime friend and partner Ben Crump announced his plans to launch a new national law firm called Ben Crump Law. Ben Crump and his team fight for those who can’t fight for themselves. This lawsuit was filed by our legal team to be able to make sure that this murderous father-and-son duo of Travis and Gregory McMichael will be held accountable. But also, Amy, attorney Lee Merritt, attorney Chris Stewart and us, we want to make certain that the government officials, like the district attorney and the police department there in Brunswick, who seem to have condoned, at best, and in ways participated or conspired to allow these murderers to evade justice — remember, Amy, it took 10 months for them to just be arrested. We have objective evidence saying that this was an excessive use of force when you shoot yet again another Black man in the back running away from you. Welcome back to Democracy Now! You don’t know what their subjective fear was.” But we have video. The legislation, known as the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021, is in response to a series of high-profile killings of Black people in 2020 and the nationwide racial justice uprising they sparked. And so, it is our hope that it will pass the House of Representatives again next week, which we fully anticipate on Thursday, and then it would go to the United States Senate, where we anticipate it may be a very partisan vote, that Vice President Kamala Harris may have to be the deciding vote that gets it passed in the United States Senate. 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